Fitzpatrick Policies

Pet, Cancellation, Terms and Conditions


Terms and Conditions

We are a smoke-free facility and any smoking inside of the hotel of any kind is prohibited. Guests who are found to have smoked in their room(s) will be liable to pay a cleaning fee of up to $500.00.

Should there be any damage found done to the room itself, furniture, or other contents within the room, guests will be liable to pay a damage fee of up to $500.00.

Should there be any inventory or contents missing from a room after a guest has checked out, the guest will be liable to pay a replacement fee of up to $500.00.

Guests who are found to have popped confetti cannons and/or champagne in their rooms or on hotel property will be liable to pay a cleaning fee of up to $500.00.


Cancellation Policy

If the booking is canceled before 10:00 PM at least 7 days (1 week) before check-in, the account will be charged a $25.00 cancellation fee. If the booking is canceled within 7 days (1 week) of the check-in date, the account will be charged either 100% of the total cost or the charge for the first night if the reservation was for more than one night.

There is a 30 day (1 month) cancellation policy in place for high season/special events like the Tour of Homes, Master’s Week, Weddings, etc… If reservations are canceled within that 1-month time frame preceding the event, then the account will be charged for 100% of the total cost or the charge for the first night if the reservation was for more than one night. No refunds will be given for guests who pre-paid once within a month of the event unless the room can be re-rented ($25 cancellation fee still applies).

If you need to cancel or make changes to your reservation, please contact The Fitzpatrick Hotel by email at or by phone at +17066785900.


Pet Policy

Pets are NOT allowed inside of The Fitzpatrick Hotel – we are not a pet-friendly hotel. Guests who are found to have brought pets in their room(s) will be liable to pay a pet cleaning fee up to $500. This fee can be combined with any damage fees that may be included should the pet become destructive.